Unit 6 Software Design And Development D2
L3 BTEC IT Unit 6 - Software Design and Development. Design a solution to a defined statement M2 - Justify data types and software structures in your solution D2.
Criteria You work as a trainee developer and your firm have decided you are now ready to tackle your first programming solution. To show your skills that you have learnt during the time you have been with the firm, you have been asked to choose from one of the scenarios below and to produce the following for your given scenario. Design of your solution o Hierarchy charts, form sketches and description and annotated algorithms (simplified code) to plan out your program.
D2 Design And Development
Pseudo code of your proposed solution Data dictionary of data types used in your solution (including justification of why you picked them) o all input and output data and justify why each piece of data is important to your program Implement your solution. Work is to be submitted as a single report containing evidence of all the design work you have undertaken above P6 ‐ Create a storyboard showing your designs for your User Interface. Create a data dictionary – listing all your variables, data types and why you have chosen them M2 ‐ When you list your data types you have chosen – justify why they are the best to use. Consider ranges of acceptable input.
D2 – when implementing your solution. Create algorithms using pseudo code to plan out your solution. Build your solution Annotate your code and pseudo code with comments explaining how it works and how it makes it more efficient You have been asked to redesign the conventional calculator program. You have been asked to ensure it provides all the standard functions and should have the option for extended functionality. They want to be able to choose:. Addition.
Subtraction. Division. Multiplication. Optional functions. Number bases.
Binary. Hexadecimal.
Octal. Trigonometry. Sin. Cos. Tan The application can either be built for the PC or for a mobile device.
The output of your program should be a nicely laid out and should provide ease of use to the user. It should also have a help facility. There should be the option of adding additional modules to the application that would extend the functionality of the program. Modules would be further mathematical functions that you can choose.
This does not have to be coded but should be mentioned to show extendibility of application. This link will take you to the work completed.